Review of French 3-4 from last year

Here we will review selected units from last year

Clothing unit

A Dominican clothing store. Would you buy something from this nice woman ? I sure would.

The verb "acheter" (to buy)

Fri, 18 Dec to Mon, 21 Dec


1 I buy a dress. J'achète une robe.

2 She is buying a coat. Elle achète un manteau.

3 We are buying shirts. Nous achetons des chemises.

A Huipil is a traditional Mexican dress

Buying clothes

Wed, 16 Dec to Thu, 24 Dec


1 I want to buy this shirt. Je veux acheter cette chemise.

2 I'm putting on a jacket tonight. Je mets une veste ce soir.

3 This winter I'm buying a coat. Cet hiver j'achète un manteau.

4 He wants to put on this sweater. Il veut mettre ce pull.

5 We are buying shoes. Nous achetons des chaussures.

"Moonlight," one of the best indie films of the decade.

The verb to wear "porter"

Mon, 04 Jan to Wed, 06 Jan


1 I wear je porte

2 You wear You wear

3 He wears il porte

4 She wears elle porte

5 We wear nous portons

6 You wear vous portez

7 They wear ils portent

8 They wear elles portent

"Dias de Santiago" is a very highly rated hispanic movie.

To wear and when (porter et quand)

Sun, 03 Jan to Wed, 06 Jan


1 I wear a shirt. Je porte une chemise.

2 I wear a shirt in the summer. Je porte une chemise en été.

3 We wear coats. Nous portons des manteaux.

4 We wear coats in the winter. Nous portons des manteaux en hiver.

5 They (female) wear dresses. Elles portent des robes.

6 They wear dresses towards the end of spring. Elles portent des robes vers la fin de printemps.